Alfredo Gamez

CADD Designer & Field Assistant

Alfredo took an interest in drafting when he first took at AutoCAD class in high school. He then followed it up by studying at Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, where he’s from.

Here at RCL, Alfredo really enjoys working with his colleagues and especially having the opportunity to bounce ideas off others.

When asked what makes him a good employee, Alfredo says, “I am willing to learn new things and willing to be taught. I also enjoy the idea of learning on my own and teaching others.

“I take pride in my work and I will do my best at any task.”

Alfredo really enjoys going out to different sites and then “coming back and putting it in a drawing.” He says his job is very straightforward: to make things clear and easy to understand for the client.

When he’s not working, Alfredo enjoys being with his family and his dogs, Bonnie and Lucky.